Who will tell Canada's stories
if CBC disappears?

Who will tell Canada's stories if CBC disappears?

The CBC has helped build Canada.

It unites us by sharing our individual and collective hopes, dreams, aspirations, and accomplishments.

It has been an essential building block of the most kind and heartfelt country in the world. We must fight to preserve it.

As the U.S. threatens our nationhood, Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives promise to defund and shut down the CBC within their first 100 days in office.

If you care about Canadian tradition, values, and journalism, we invite you to help Save the CBC.

  • We will only campaign in swing ridings, where the Conservative candidate can be defeated.
  • We will show Canadians that the Conservative plan to cut the CBC fits in with the Trump / Musk version of a subservient Canada. Without CBC, local journalism suffers, and misinformation spreads.
  • We will ask people to vote strategically to support the candidate most likely to defeat the Conservative.

The CBC is a Canadian tradition – it’s ours to defend

The CBC belongs to all Canadians. From rural communities to major cities, CBC reaches across the country with trustworthy news, education, and entertainment. Without CBC, local journalism suffers, and misinformation spreads.

A recent study reveals that 80% of Canadians, including Conservative voters, believe in the importance of having a public broadcaster and want to preserve the CBC.

The CBC is Canada’s voice. It informs, educates, and connects us all. Protecting it means protecting our democracy, culture, and access to trustworthy news.

If you care about arts, culture, music, journalism, story-telling, politics, science, reconciliation, diversity, and environmentalism (the scope doesn’t end there) we invite you to support this campaign to Save the CBC.

Connect With Us

We will send you a weekly newsletter until the election is over. You’ll get tips on how you defeat Poilievre and Save the CBC. We will never sell your names. We invite you to donate but we will not send you any donation requests. You can cancel anytime, thank you in advance.

You can also find us at:

About Us

We are a grassroots movement committed to preserving the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) – a vital public service.

We are organizers, fundraisers, and citizens who care about the CBC, and want to defend it. You should know we have the experience, the strategy, and the know-how to make a real impact in this election. But we need to build capacity—hire organizers and researchers, and run targeted ads in swing ridings.

Please consider joining us. Donate. Volunteer. Send your contact details and let us how you can help. Email: .

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